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Just imagine if you could broaden your yogic and spiritual knowledge alongside like-minded people and bring these teachings into your everyday life and into our world, while also becoming a more empowered version of yourself. …..

This is what Satsang is about.

Satsang is an ancient Sanskrit word broadly translated as ‘truth-company,’ or being in the company of the wise and prior to our world of workshops and retreats, Satsang was the primary way in which teachers interacted with others to share their knowledge and practices.

As the global pandemic has made human connection and touch so alien, this satsang that yogic sages refers to - the wise company that we have historically associated with enlightened teachers - is so relevant today. With few live classes and workshops, many people are struggling with life and while online sessions can help, many realise that it is the sense of community and belonging that they long for most.


MySatsang is a warm space for people to come together, to support and nurture one another through authentic practices, inspirational teachings and mindful movement, creating a space to support people in a heartfelt and genuine way.

The joint vision of Tara O’Rourke and myself, both of us yoga teachers and seasoned wellness practitioners, who have enjoyed many years in this industry in Ireland and worldwide and are deeply committed to creating a mindful community where authentic knowledge and practices can be shared.

MySatsang will be a combination of both on-location (when safe to do so) and online gatherings for our satsang community. Sessions are suitable for yoga students (all levels), for qualified yoga teachers wanting to delve more deeply into yogic philosophy and others interested in bringing these trusted teachings and traditions into their own life and our rapidly changing world.

In yogic belief satsangs are most effective when led by wise and experienced elders, so Tara and I will work closely with renowned teachers including Yoga Philosophy teacher Michael McCann and selected other experts who in our belief share this same vision.

MySatsang inaugural gathering

Yoga Philosophy teacher Michael McCann

Yoga Philosophy teacher Michael McCann


Michael mcCann is one of Ireland’s pre-eminent teachers of Yoga philosophy and psychology, pranayama, mantra, meditation and subtle anatomy. He is committed to making Yogic wisdom accessible to all: “All you need is to have an open heart and mind and to let your own inner wisdom shine forth,” is his mantra.

Michael played a key role in deepening my yogic knowledge and practice when I first studied under his guidance during my yoga training and I will never tire of absorbing his oceans of knowledge, always shared in a deeply authentic manner. His meditations at the end of each class are renowned and always a highlight!

I have been fortunate to have met with and received guidance and healing from exceptional experts worldwide, all of whom have told me that I am the alchemist of my own soul and that my body holds both the medicine and the poison. In other words, the choice is mine and the older I grow now, the more this advice resonates and a teacher like Michael helps me along my own path of self discovery.

Surya Yoga: Solar themes and practices in the Ancient Yoga Tradition

During this inspiring session Michael McCann will explore the Vedic tradition and the Isha Upanishad - the roots of Surya Namaskar, the Gayatri Mantra as Vedic prayer and the Chakras as the ‘Seven Suns’.

Tuesday 8th September,2020

Time: 10am to 12noon BST

Price: €15
Tickets available here:

While attending the live zoom session is recommended, a recording will be available to watch later

Tara O’Rourke

Tara O’Rourke

Kate O’Brien

Kate O’Brien

Further information:

Instagram: @mysatsang &

Tara O’Rourke:

Kate O’Brien

Kate O'BrienComment